As you will be aware, UNISON is currently consulting on the latest pay offer from COSLA the organisation who Negotiate Pay on the Employer side.
UNISON have been working towards a decent pay deal for all Local Government staff. To get the best deal possible, we are running a Strike ballot in Education. This ballot closes on the 29th August 2024. And we are in the process of reminding members who work in Education to return their postal ballots as soon as possible. All Local Government members are being consulted online with a recommendation to reject the latest offer.
These two processes are currently running in tandem, because UNISON do not believe COSLA will move any further on pay without the threat of Industrial Action.
Years of below inflation pay rises have left Local Government Workers worse off, and higher offers to other Public Sector Staff while Local Government Continues to be cut back leaves UNISON with no choice other than Pay Disputes Year on Year.
UNISON does not think the current offer worth 4.27% reflects the true value of our members in comparison with other public sector workers who are being offered better pay rises.
By Comparison :
NHS staff 5.5%
Independent pay review bodies recommending 5.5% for teachers and likely to be implemented
MP’s pay rise 5.5%
MSP’s pay rise 6.7%
Recommended pay up lift for councillors 13-18%
We are worth more than 4.27% and at least equal to other public sector workers, have your voice heard, so we are not the Cinderella Service of the Public Sector every year.
Return your Postal Ballot Today and
Vote to Reject in the e ballot
If you work in education and need a replacement paper ballot paper, call 08000 587 857 before midday on 22nd August.
Yours Sincerely
Tony Beekman
Branch Secretary