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UNISON Members to be Balloted for Industrial Action

Falkirk Branch


Dear Member Following one of the highest returns in a full membership consultation, UNISON members voted overwhelmingly to REJECT the Employers’ offer (77.6% of those voting).

On this basis a decision was taken to proceed to a full Industrial Action ballot. Members have sent a clear message to say they have had enough of years of below inflation pay rises. Members of UNITE The Union and GMB have both accepted the Employers’ offer, however the number of UNISON members rejecting the offer exceeds the total combined Local Government membership of these trade unions. UNISON will continue to fight for FAIR PAY, putting our members at the heart of the campaign.

The Tory Trade Union Act designed to make it more difficult for workers to exercise their right to withdraw their labour cannot succeed. It is important that every member participates in the ballot to maximise the ballot return.

Please note that, in order to comply with current legislation, the ballot will be a full postal ballot as the law prevents us from carrying out any ballot by digital means.

The ballot will run from 5th May 2017 until 30th May 2017.

UNISON’s Scottish Local Government Committee is recommending that members VOTE YES for a programme of Industrial Action.

You are encouraged, in advance of the local and general elections, to raise the need for FAIR PAY with all candidates.

Mark Ferguson

Chair, Scottish Local Government Committee

Douglas Black

Regional Organiser / SJC Secretary

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